Edmund Horka

Apr 262022

I created a Soest Army Brats page on Facebook a while back. The problem is only I could make posts while others could comment.

To facilitate discussion I have created a new Soest Army Brats Group, linked to the original page. This is a new private group. People have to request to join. This is to keep out spam and hackers, but it will allow members to post and comment and interact with other members. To join, just go to Facebook and search for Soest Army Brats Group or click on this link https://www.facebook.com/groups/702577524224183

Click on Join, answer a couple of questions about your experience with Soest Army Brats and agree to the group rules and that’s it. We have well over a hundred members already. Also, I have copied a lot of the Soest Army Brats yearbooks and photos over to the group, so they are readily accessible.

Have Fun!

 April 26, 2022  Posted by at 8:40 am Uncategorized Comments Off on New Facebook Soest Army Brats Group
Mar 042021
Do any of you know anything about the Canadian pioneers from Werl who helped build the Sportstadium in Echthausen in 1967.
I received the following message. If you can help out please contact Andreas directly
Help for Memorialsign
i’m Andreas Baum and i’m from Wickede-Echthausen which is about 3km away from the Werl baracks. I’m in the Board of the association from the TuS Echthausen.
In 1967 the canadian Pioneers from Werl helped to build the sportstadium in Echthausen. In memory of this historical moment in our village, we want to create a memoryboard in our stadium.
We have some information, but this are just german information und only a few pictures. So our question is, may you help us to get some informations, like the groups, which helped and also maybe there is information about the machinse which were used so we can create the memory from both sides and not only the german side, maybe there is a contact of someone, who helped. In hope to her from you und stay
Andreas Baum
 March 4, 2021  Posted by at 11:54 pm Uncategorized Comments Off on Canadian Help Building Stadium in Echthausen 1967
Dec 122020
I would guess most of you folks know this but I thought I would throw in a quick reference.
Useful Facebook sites:
Soest Army Brats –
Soest-Werl-Hemer-Iserlohn –
Memories of Soest –
Army Brats Soest –
Soest Boys and Girls (the Brits in Soest) –
Hemer High –
And the website:
Dave Larke Founded Ruhrmemories.ca and a number of years back I started helping him maintain the site. Recently he asked me to take over the site. It is now on my server and it has an SSL certificate and is accessed by https://. I also created and admin the FB Ruhrmemories site above which tries to mirror part of the website. I created and admin the FB Soest Army Brats site above which tries to mirror another part of the Ruhrmemories website. If you have any questions about any of these sites or about photos or about people, just msg me. If you know of any other similar websites or FB pages, please let me know.
 December 12, 2020  Posted by at 10:12 am Uncategorized Comments Off on News and References
Jun 042020

New photos from Claude Guillemette added to Hemer 60s, Iserlohn, Scouts, Fort Beausejour then, Saxonia, and Empress of Britain. Thanks Claude.

 June 4, 2020  Posted by at 3:28 pm Uncategorized Comments Off on New Photos Added
Feb 222017

For years this website had a forum option that required a signup and a login. However, we realize that no one has ever used the forum feature. However, Soest and Hemer and other Facebook discussion pages have been very active.

Therefore the forum feature will be removed and you will notice that there is no longer and signup and login jitem in the right sidebar, since the signup and login were only required for use of the forum.

The site itself requires absolutely no signup or login.

However, you are encouraged to sign the guestbook using the top menu item if you would like others to find you.

Finally, to provide a place to discuss the material Dave has collected over all these years, there is a new Facebook page


We will mirror some of the material on this site to the FB site to provide better coverage and access to the wonderful memorabilia that Dave has collected over all these years.

 February 22, 2017  Posted by at 10:14 am Uncategorized Comments Off on Some Changes
May 242014

Added 11 photos to the Ruhr Scenes Soest Album page courtesy of Debbie K.

Added 3 photos to the Soest PMQs Recent Album page courtesy of Debbie K.

 May 24, 2014  Posted by at 7:50 pm Uncategorized 1 Response »
May 162014

Thank you so much for the photos you have recently submitted. They now appear on the Contribute Photos page and will soon be added to the appropriate albums.

Debbie K. – thanks for your contributions.

There are other recent contributions where the contributors were not indicated. Can you get in touch with us to let us know who submitted what so we can give credit where credit is due?

Some of the recent photos submitted to us are very small. They are great photos and you have larger versions, can you please send them on to us?

We have been a little remiss in updates recently due to some unforeseen circumstances but we should be getting back in the update mode now.

We appreciate your contributions and encourage you to look around to see if there are any more you could send along to us.

Ed and Dave

 May 16, 2014  Posted by at 8:45 am Photos 2 Responses »