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  5 Responses to “Sea”

  1. We went over in November 1963. oldest brother had his birthday on the ship. 

  2. My father, Frank Grant, mother, Elizabeth Grant, brother, George Grant and me, Sheila Grant, went to Germany on the Saxonia in 1962. I was very young at the time and don’t remember a lot about the voyage, but both of my parents raved for many years about the trip. I still have a post card of the Saxonia, one that my mom sent to my grandparents. I believe it’s the same picture as the one provided by Claude Guillemette, “Tourist Class Lounge”.

  3. We went over in December of 1962 on The Empress of Britain. My father, Charles “Doc” Dowling, was with the Fort Garry Horse. Had my birthday on the ship.
    Shirley Dory Dowling…now “Dory Rossiter” with CTV

  4. We sailed from Halifax October 31st 1957 on The Empress of France to the Hook of Holland. Really enjoyed myself on the voyage over had a great time. Then the long train journey through Holland to Soest in Germany. Arriving at the station to a band playing and our father waiting for us. We stayed in the Soest PMQ at 13b Ruphlor Weg until February 1959. The memory has always remained with me for the past 58 years and counting!

  5. We sailed in November 1960 on QSS Arkadia. I recall it being very stormy! We celebrated my youngest brother’s 1st birthday aboard–November 24 1960. I think we disembarked at Rotterdam then train/bus to Hemer–Von Behring Strasse. Only yesterday…sooo long ago though now.