May 172017

Added 2 photos to the Military, 4 CIBG, Soest Forts, Fort Chambly, Fort Chambly Photos – Then page courtesy of Brian Glendenning
Added 3 photos to the PMQs, Soest PMQs, Vintage page courtesy of Brian Glendenning

 May 17, 2017  Posted by at 12:19 pm Uncategorized Comments Off on What’s New
May 152017

Added 2 photos to Beaver 1963 page and 13 photos to Beaver 1964 page courtesy of Brian Glendinning

 May 15, 2017  Posted by at 10:35 am Uncategorized Comments Off on What’s New
May 052017

Added 17 pictures to the Beaver, 1964 page courtesy of Brian Glendinning

 May 5, 2017  Posted by at 1:08 pm Uncategorized Comments Off on What’s New
May 032017

Added four pictures to the Scouts page courtesy of Brian Glendinning

 May 3, 2017  Posted by at 11:51 am Uncategorized Comments Off on What’s New