Jan 122016

Added two links courtesy of Arnd Wöbbeking. One is a Military Exercise Database, the other is about the
British Army in Hameln

Arnd is looking for information about Canadian Engineers stationed in Hameln before they moved to the Brigade area. Anyone who would like to provide information can contact him through his web sites.

 January 12, 2016  Posted by at 1:51 pm Uncategorized Comments Off on What’s New
Jan 112016

Added 5 photos to the Military, Werl Forts, Fort St. Louis – Then page courtesy of Harry Proctor.
Added 7 photos to the Military, Werl Forts, Fort St. Louis – Then page courtesy of Derek McCalden.
Added 6 photos to the Ruhr Scenes – Soest page courtesy of Ian Mercer.

 January 11, 2016  Posted by at 10:34 am Uncategorized Comments Off on What’s New