Dedicated to the Canadian Forces Members, Dependants and Teachers Who Lived, Worked and Played in the Ruhr Valley
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I’d very much like to correspond with anyone who can help me track down some of the articles written by my ex mother in-law for inclusion in the family tree. Her husband and she were stationed in Germany for several years in the 60’s and she wrote for the paper under the moniker “by Squire” her husband George Squire was I believe a Sargent in the motor pool and they and their three young children were there for several years. Her name was Nina Squire. could someone please write back to me at Thanks for your time.
I’d very much like to correspond with anyone who can help me track down some of the articles written by my ex mother in-law for inclusion in the family tree. Her husband and she were stationed in Germany for several years in the 60’s and she wrote for the paper under the moniker “by Squire” her husband George Squire was I believe a Sargent in the motor pool and they and their three young children were there for several years. Her name was Nina Squire. could someone please write back to me at Thanks for your time.