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Ruhr Scenes - Mohne (Moehne) Dam

The Mohne (Möhnesee) municipality is situated around the Mohne (Moehne) Reservoir (hence the name), approx. 10 km south of Soest. On the night of the 16/17 May 1943, the Dam which contains the Mohnesee (Moehnesee) was breached in an attack by Avro Lancaster Bombers of 617 Squadron of the British Royal Air Force, the "Dambusters".
Mohnesee (Moehnesee) Dam
Mohnesee (Moehnesee) Dam Memorial 3
2005 Mohnesee (Moehnesee) Dam
2007 Mohnesee (Moehnesee) Dam
Mohnesee (Moehnesee) Dam Memorial 2
Mohnesee (Moehnesee) Dam
2005 Mohnesee (Moehnesee)
2007 Mohnesee (Moehnesee). This was called the Arizona
Mohnesee (Moehnesee) Dam
2008 Mohnesee (Moehnesee) Dam
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