All the photos are organized into albums. When you click on a tab to see photos, you will one or more of these:
You can either click to go to a slideshow of the photos in the album, or see thumbnails of all the photos in the album where you can click on a thumbnail to see a larger view.
If you click on Slideshow, you will see a page that looks like this:
Page Navigation
This bar will show the tabs you have clicked to get here. You can click on items in this bar to navigate to those items.
Album Name
The name of the album you are viewing
Album Navigation
This bar will show the albums structure you have navigated so far. You can click on items in this bar to navigate to them. The page navigation history and the album navigation history are usually the same, but not always, so don’t be surprised if you see differences between the two. If you get lost, just click on the Home icon at the far left of the Upper Menu Bar and start over. Both the Page Navigation Bar and the Album Navigation Bar are there just as an added convenience. You can just use the menu tabs if you prefer.
Start Slideshow
When the Slideshow starts, it is stopped. Click on this to start and control the Slideshow.
Next Previous
This shows the current photo and those just before and after it. You can click on the next previous symbols at the left and right to navigate.
The Photo
The Photo
Small Navigation Bar
Lets you click to go to the next or previous photo.
Photo Description and Title
Shows any photo description and title that has been entered for the photo.
Comments Area
Any comments you enter here are attached to the photo that is showing. You can see any comments entered by other users and you can enter your own.
Photo Rating
This is a new feature. You can rate each photo on a scale. We will then feature the photos that have acquired the highest ratings.
Photo Sharing
Click on a social networking symbol to sign into that network and share any of the material here with your friends. Spread the word.