Added 2 photos to the Military, 4 CIBG, Soest Forts, Fort Chambly, Fort Chambly Photos – Then page courtesy of Brian Glendenning
Added 3 photos to the PMQs, Soest PMQs, Vintage page courtesy of Brian Glendenning
Added 2 photos to Beaver 1963 page and 13 photos to Beaver 1964 page courtesy of Brian Glendinning
Added 17 pictures to the Beaver, 1964 page courtesy of Brian Glendinning
Added four pictures to the Scouts page courtesy of Brian Glendinning
The following were contributed by Brian Glendinning:
Hockey Program added to Military, 4 CIBG, Soest Forts, Fort York, Then page.
Five photos added to Ruhr Scenes, Soest Album.
One photo added to Schools, Soest, School Daze, Pictures of Soest Senior High page
One photo added to Schools, Soest, School Daze, Other Schools page
Photo added to the Fort York, Photos, Then page courtesy of Brian Glendinning
On October 29, 2017, it will have been 16 years since Ann Mills, Larry McGuire and I started Ruhr Memories as a Hemer High School web presence; and now the time has come for me to step back and let someone else run the site.
A former Soest High School student, Ed Horka, has kindly agreed to take on day-to-day management. Five years ago, Ed was instrumental in converting Ruhr Memories to its current format, and he has shown an active interest in the site for many years.
Thanks to all those who have contributed photos and money, and thanks also to those who have offered encouragement and promoted the site to their friends and family. Without your support, Ruhr Memories would not have become what it is now—a pictorial history of the experience of Canadian army families in Nordrhein-Westfalen, from their arrival in 1953 to their departure in 1971.
Dave Larke
Hemer High
1960 – 1963
Added a picture to the Schools, Hemer, Hemer School Photos, Hemer Other page courtesy of Anne Tate
Added two links courtesy of Arnd Wöbbeking. One is a Military Exercise Database, the other is about the
British Army in Hameln
Arnd is looking for information about Canadian Engineers stationed in Hameln before they moved to the Brigade area. Anyone who would like to provide information can contact him through his web sites.
Added 5 photos to the Military, Werl Forts, Fort St. Louis – Then page courtesy of Harry Proctor.
Added 7 photos to the Military, Werl Forts, Fort St. Louis – Then page courtesy of Derek McCalden.
Added 6 photos to the Ruhr Scenes – Soest page courtesy of Ian Mercer.