Apr 262022

I created a Soest Army Brats page on Facebook a while back. The problem is only I could make posts while others could comment.

To facilitate discussion I have created a new Soest Army Brats Group, linked to the original page. This is a new private group. People have to request to join. This is to keep out spam and hackers, but it will allow members to post and comment and interact with other members. To join, just go to Facebook and search for Soest Army Brats Group or click on this link https://www.facebook.com/groups/702577524224183

Click on Join, answer a couple of questions about your experience with Soest Army Brats and agree to the group rules and that’s it. We have well over a hundred members already. Also, I have copied a lot of the Soest Army Brats yearbooks and photos over to the group, so they are readily accessible.

Have Fun!

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 April 26, 2022  Posted by at 8:40 am Uncategorized

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