

This new website also has a new Guestbook. We have done two things with the content of the old Guestbook. First, we have loaded all the old GB data into the new GB.  As a result, you will see two dates for the entries – one for the date when the person originally entered the data and a second for when the entry was added to the new GB. Under the Guestbook tab you will see a number of choices:

Guestbook Browse Messages

Here you will be able to browse through all the messages entered into the Guestbooks. Since messages often include long text, we have set up a separate list providing as much space as possible to make reading the message easier. You can also sort the messages by certain fields and you can also search through the messages. You can also click on the last name to see all the data the person entered.

Guestbook List Entries

This option provides a list of all the entries. You can sort the list by a variety of fields. You can always click on the last name to see all the data the person entered. Remember that a Guestbook entry can have a lot of data, far more than will fit on the screen. So we have made some choices as to what data is displayed. However, to see all the data, just click on the last name.

Guestbook Search

This option lets you search through the entire Guestbook based on information you enter. The results (if any) will be displayed below. You can then click on a last name to read the entire Guestbook entry.

Guestbook Sign

This lets you sign the new Guestbook. When you click on this option you will be presented with a simple screen where you only need to enter you name and your email. You will get an email message with a link that will take you to a screen where you can enter a variety of information. Keep the email you receive. You will be able to use the link in the email to update your entry any way you want in the future. If you lose your link, just let us know, we can probably resend it to you. This signup method will help up cut down on spam.


At a minimum, all you have to enter is your first name, your last name and your email address. Then just click on the “Sign the Guestbook” button. You don’t have to do anything more. If you want to, once you receive the email confirmation, you will get a link that will let you add a lot more info to your Guestbook entry or to modify or delete info. Whether you want to do this is up to you.

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 Posted by at 6:34 am  Add comments

  2 Responses to “Guestbook”

  1. Hi Guys
    I can not log into new guest book ? Burt Green

    • Hi Burt,

      You don’t have to log on to sign the guestbook, just follow the instructions under the top menu item SITE INFO

      If you want to sign up for the site – which lets you participate in the Forums and a few other features, again just follow the instruction under Site Info. If you continue to have problems just let us know, but signing requires no prior signup or registration.
