Guestbook Members Record


Fill out as much of this information as you want. You can always use the link we sent you in the email to come back here and add/change/delete any information you want. Remember to click on Save your Changes at the bottom when you are finished.

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 Posted by at 7:56 pm  Add comments

  2 Responses to “Guestbook Members Record”

  1. Hi to all…………… have tried a couple of times to leave not but hit wrongs keys ? Site looks great , Dave and team do a great job……………. anybody reads this send me a note
    bye………………pete booth

    • If you are trying to leave a message in your Guestbook record, go to your record with the link that was emailed to you, type in your message, scroll to the bottom of the form and click on save. That should work. Let us know if it does not.